Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Date Shaker apk v2.002PRO download

Date Shaker apk v2.002PRO download

Date Shaker v2.002PRO
Date Shaker v2.002PRO apk
Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: Display the date in your bar and then shake your phone to see the month and more! Unlike similar apps, this one does not try to squeeze two date elements into one tiny icon, making it difficult to read. Optionally display month/day with no shaking required.
Date Shaker v2.002PRO
Display the date in your bar and then shake your phone to see the month and more! Unlike similar apps, this one does not try to squeeze two date elements into one tiny icon, making it difficult to read. Optionally display month/day with no shaking required.
Available worldwide in English language. Notification slider text and time/date announcement in any supported Android language.
WHAT’S NEW? “Status Bar Date Display” is now called “Date Shaker”. Version 2.01 is a major update including TONS of bug fixes, uses a lot less battery, uses half the space on your phone, menu has a new look and feel, and “behind the scenes” service streamlined.
Why is the download size 5 MB? The PRO version includes enough images to display the date in a wide variety of formats. 5 MB is roughly the size of 1 or 2 MP3 files.
Before contacting support, please read through the FAQ located at
Uninstall Date Shaker Free (or Trial) before upgrading to this PRO version which includes all of the great features below and more!
+ MONTH/DATE VIEW: Don’t like shaking? Display month and date at the same time in two icons. Customize this view with 16 different colors, and select between M/D, M.D, D/M, or D.M formats. Although this requires two spaces in your notification bar, you can save 2 favorite apps to launch or save one and use the other space as an app launcher.
+ MORE COLORS: Select from 16 different colors EACH for the month number, month name, day number, day name, and\or year in the single icon “shake” view. Up to 4,368 color combinations in the “shake to display” view! Also pick between large or standard size numbers.
+ MORE DATE ELEMENTS: Display the DAY NAME abbreviation, MONTH NAME abbreviation, and/or current YEAR after shaking AND in the order and length of time that you desire.
+ NO STATUS/SLIDER BAR SPACE REQUIRED: If you don’t want anything to display in your status bar or slider, you can normally display “nothing”, and then the date info will appear once you shake your phone. This is an exclusive feature that’s not available in any other “date in status bar” apps.
+ SLIDER APP LAUNCHER: Uses 1 or 2 spaces in your notification slider in order to display the date in the bar. You can use this area to launch an app of your choice and display additional customizable date information. Select a favorite default app or always display the list of apps to launch.
+ DATE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announce the time and date in a customizable format each time you give it a shake. The announcements work in your phone’s language worldwide, as long as the Android OS supports your “text-to-speech” language. Adjust media volume loudness using your device’s volume buttons during announcement.
+ ADVANCED SLIDER BAR OPTIONS: Enable the advanced menu to edit the text in the notification slider bar spaces to your liking (in any language). Customize additional date info display, or remove all of the text so that only the app launcher or saved favorite apps are displayed!
+ Remove the upgrade features list from the main menu present in the FREE version.
+ Simple menus including in-app “explanations”. Changes are saved automatically and take effect immediately.
+ Works fine with other “shake” apps.
+ Adjust shake sensitivity settings using the shake-o-meter.
+ Only requires permissions to vibrate your device and auto start the app as a background service at power on.
+ Low battery/cpu/memory overhead. Shake detection is automatically disabled when your display is off to conserve battery.
+ Enable/disable phone vibration (haptic feedback) when a shake is “detected”.
+ Reset settings to the recommended defaults at any time.
+ Free support with in-app email option for fast responding help.
+ Future updates and bug fixes are free.
This app has NO advertisements
Free Date Shaker v2.002PRO apk

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