Sunday, September 30, 2012

Find Out How Your Website Designers May Be Losing Money For Your Business

Find Out How Your Website Designers May Be Losing Money For Your Business

With now over 80% of shoppers now relying on the internet to find their products and services, it's no surprise that the internet has become an ever-increasingly competitive place to be.

Whether or not you are an already well established company or a small business, the internet is where the vast majority of your customers will go looking for you.

In today's competitive online market it just isn't enough to just have a site offering your services, customers have to be able to find you. So, exactly what is the response to achieving online success? Internet marketing - without internet marketing, how will customers ever find you? And without customers how can you make any sales? The negatives associated with neglecting your internet marketing can be numerous. That is why finding the right professional web design services professionals is so essential.

Is my web designer wasting my money?

A common mistake that too many businesses make, is choosing a graphic designer to create their site for them. There are countless talented web designers out there that can supply you with an 'all singing and all dancing' website that is eye-catching and visually very impressive. Despite this, these 'pretty' websites may look great but they're practically ineffective as they have been made without SEO in mind - which is crucial if you want a profitable site.

A website that is not optimised will only cause your site more expense, instead of functioning as the money-making machine that you need it to be. A site from a graphic designer rather than an online marketing expert will do nothing but collect 'virtual dust', and this is for a number of reasons. Firstly, a regular graphic designer will usually have no expertise in SEO or marketing, as a result they may not know what it will require to get your website to the top of Google or how to get it successfully converting traffic into sales. And these are probably the two most important things that your site needs to do, in order to increase online exposure for your business and enjoy greater sales rates.

How can I transform my website into a lean, mean, money-making machine?

When you are thinking about having a website created for your business, you need to pick a web design company that can demonstrate their expertise in online marketing and who understand that sales and profit do not happen by themselves - they need to help customers to find you. You also need a company that can provide you with business website designto suit you and the needs of your business.


It is a widely held misbelief that a business has to choose between an attractive website and a functional website, however, with the right web design company you can have an aesthetically pleasing website that will also get you to the top of Google and converting traffic at a fast pace.To find out more why not pay a visit to our website and send a message to our team.

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