Friday, May 4, 2012

Advanced Explorations Inc. to Commission Extensive Hyperspectral Survey for Anik Project

Advanced Explorations Inc. announced that it has finalized plans to complete an extensive Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging survey on its Anik Nickel-Copper Project located on the western Melville Peninsula in Nunavut, Canada in July 2012.

Hyperspectral Imaging is an airborne remote sensing technique used in mineral exploration to map a wide range of minerals associated with hydrothermal alteration frequently related to potentially economic mineral deposits. Alteration minerals such as oxides, clays, and carbonates have unique spectral signatures and can be identified and mapped using hyperspectral technology.

Regional geological mapping in arctic terrain is costly and very time consuming. The planned Hyperspectral survey will allow the Company to obtain information on surface geology and mineralogy at a scale and in such detail that would take tens of years to obtain through conventional exploration mapping programs. More importantly, the technology can extract key alteration pathfinders to a broad range of mineral deposits. Accordingly, the survey will be used to rapidly identify the area's nickel and copper prospects, but will also be used to extract information on other commodity targets as well.

John Gingerich, President and CEO commented:

"The emergence of a new Ni-Cu belt extending over 80 km of strike provides a very exciting opportunity to discover multiple near surface deposits; however, the large prospective target area provides challenges for rapidly and cost effectively prioritizing targets. The Noranda Group demonstrated hyperspectral surveying could substantially reduce targeting cost and time. Equally important will be our ability to investigate the outcrop spectral signatures for pathfinders to yet undiscovered iron, base metal (nickel, copper, zinc) and precious metal (gold, silver) prospects".

Hyperspectral remote sensing is a technique for mapping materials present on the earth's surface and draws upon a rich legacy of expertise in chemical spectroscopy. It can uniquely map different materials by measuring differences in how sunlight interacts with, and is affected by, different targets on the earth's surface. Recognized as an industry expert, AEI President & CEO, John Gingerich, pioneered these mineral exploration applications and also directed the very first hyperspectral surveys in the Canadian Arctic environments, including a program on Baffin Island, Nunavut for the Geological Survey of Canada ("GSC") in 2004.

The Company has previously announced that it is conducting an Airborne Electromagnetic (EM) and Magnetic survey over identified target areas. This survey, which measures conductivity and magnetic properties of the underlying rocks, will assist in identifying potential Ni-Cu massive sulphide prospects for follow-up exploration. The airborne survey is expected to be completed in June and the hyperspectral survey on the Anik Project is expected to commence in early July.

Anik Nickel-Copper Project

Advanced Explorations announced the discovery of significant Nickel-Copper and Copper-Silver-Gold mineralization on the western side of the Melville Peninsula in 2011 (See Press Release dated 25 November, 2011).

Five zones of nickel-copper mineralization were identified, with better assay values of 0.86% Ni, 0.59% Cu, 0.04% Co and 0.40% Ni, 0.19% Cu, 0.04% Co, and one zone of high grade copper-silver-gold mineralization returned assays of 1.93% Cu, 33 g/t Ag, 0.35 g/t Au and 1.06% Cu, 18.8 g/t Ag, 0.14 g/t Au.

The mineralization discovered is similar to a high grade (8% Ni) nickel discovery reported by the Geological Survey of Canada at Adamson River and, although at early stages of exploration, importantly highlights the potential discovery of a new nickel province, similar to the Thompson Nickel District, Manitoba, Raglan Belt in northern Quebec, the Abitibi Belt in eastern Ontario/western Quebec or the Kambalda Nickel District in Western Australia.

Advanced Explorations has staked approximately 203,000 acres to include the areas of mineralization discovered by the Company and favourable mafic-ultramafic rocks which typically host magmatic nickel-copper sulphide deposits.

The western Melville Peninsula is remote; however, future development of the Company's iron deposits at Roche Bay and Tuktu and establishment of a deep-water port on the eastern side of the Melville Peninsula will provide an excellent logistical base and operational hub for development of any nickel-copper resources delineated.

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